We are offering three worship services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day this year at Evangelical.
Christmas Eve Service at 6 PM
Our 6 PM service will feature Pastor Cliff Flick in “Call Me Ahmet, Innkeeper.” The service will include special music and a children’s sermon. At the end of the service, will sing “Silent Night” with candle light in our darkened sanctuary. This service will not be live streamed.
Christmas Eve Service at 11 PM
Our 11 PM service will be a traditional Christmas Eve Service. Pastor Andrew will preach on what it means that we call Jesus “Emmanuel”. As part of our service we will celebrate Holy Communion. The choir will offer special music. We will conclude the service with singing “Silent Night” with candle light. This service will be live streamed.
Christmas Day at 10:15 AM
We will worship at our normal time on Christmas Day. There will be no Sunday school. Deacon Megan will offer a message about Jesus being the light in the darkness as we reflect on the opening words of John’s Gospel. The choir will offer a special anthem. Join us as we continue to celebrate Christmas! This service will be live streamed.