Educational Opportunities
- Sunday school for all ages at 9 AM in the children’s chapel and educational wing
- Pastor’s Sunday School class on Not In It To Win It (November 6 & 13)
- Pastor’s Sunday School class on Prepare the Way for the LORD (November 27)
- Introduction to Isaiah Bible Study (November 7, 14, 21)
- Immanuel Advent Bible Study (November 28)
Fellowship Opportunities
- Community Meal on November 12
- Cookie Social on November 13 after worship in the fellowship hall
- Winter Blessing Kits Assembly and Meal on November 13
- Hanging of the Greens after worship on November 20 in the sanctuary
- God’s Kitchen Celebration on November 27
Small Group Opportunities
- Prayer Shawl Group on Tuesdays at 1 PM in the educational wing
- Choir practice on Wednesdays at 6 PM in the sanctuary