Our Ash Wednesday service will be March 2 at 7 PM. As part of the service we will have the imposition of ashes. After the imposition of ashes, we will celebrate Holy Communion. All are welcome!

Evangelical United Methodist Church
Good News for Middletown
Our Ash Wednesday service will be March 2 at 7 PM. As part of the service we will have the imposition of ashes. After the imposition of ashes, we will celebrate Holy Communion. All are welcome!
Our sermon series for February is focused on being the body of Christ. We are looking at Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. The church in Corinth was fighting and Paul was trying to help them think about what it means to be the church. We will explore spiritual gifts, the metaphor of being a body, love, and order in the midst of chaos.
Our late winter/early spring Bible study focuses on King David. When Samuel tells King Saul he is being replaced, he says “the LORD has sought out a man after his own heart” (1 Kings 13:11, NRSV). What makes King David a man after God’s own heart? Why do the writers of the Old Testament books hold King David up as the ideal king? Join us on Monday nights at 7 PM via Zoom to take a closer look at David as king. Contact us for Zoom information.
Revised Schedule (changed on February 28)
Adult Sunday school for Sunday, January 9 is canceled due to anticipated bad weather on Sunday. We still plan to have worship in-person and stream our service tomorrow.
God’s Kitchen, a ministry of the United Methodist churches in the Highspire/Middletown area, is now on hiatus for the foreseeable future. With rising COVID numbers, we are putting a pause on the meal. When COVID numbers go down, we intend to restart the meal.